Wednesday, May 31, 2006
yeappss!! its finally over!!! i'm free! but here comes another bomb. i gotta work 17 days straight from this friday! yawnz. been lacking of sleep for e longest period of time. n feel like shit today. but went town awhile with xuan just now n i almost got something from tannlines. thank god xuan managed to talk me out of the idea n i managed to save money!! seriously, broke like nuthing now la. din work for sooo long. n din get allowance. bah~ must save must save. I WILL!! keke. oh yeah, went to disturb kendrick jus now at where he was working. haha.. superbly cold. really! COLD like nuthing. apparently, there was some nice massage chairs a.k.a i-symphony n bell did make good use of dat. seriously bell, DAT person would do so much better la.. hahahaha.. yeah! i'm still damn high with e fact that i'm free!! n to clarisse seah xuan li, HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY!! tho we cannot spend it together, we'll make it up ya? love ya lots!! ciaoz ps: yeah xuan, i know soler's hot. big deal. mine is hotter! literally. bah~ :p
.:sTella:. at 10:08 PM Sunday, May 28, 2006
argh!!! stress stress stress!! 1stly is e exams which is on wed. 2 papers!! arh!! help! n e next's e stoopid vs spree that made me go almost mad just now. can u even imagine how many times i gotta make changes to the sizing, colour n style of the stuff i wanted? gosh. it sucks! i guess its e last time i'm going to make myself go thru such trauma again! sheesh. just for 2 pathetic items. *rawr* i am so awaiting for thursday. i'll be free! even if work's gonna be crappy, at least i can see all my khakis again. n there's a new launch for RL again! e uniform better not be shittified. i'm NOT gonna wear a sarong again! NEVER! haha. gimme something proper!
.:sTella:. at 9:48 PM Saturday, May 27, 2006
din really sleep well last night. talked to yl for awhile. n after i drifted off to sleep, jonah called at 3 wanting to chit-chat. but i was so tired la. wth. all thru-out yesterday i was talking abt guys girls guys girls. making me blur(er) than ever. yl tried to get this np guy's number who she keep bumping into these few weeks. but she was so scared la, so she asked me to go to e interchange at 745am in e morn to help her get the number. n the guy DIN turn up lor. thank god i was still dilly-dallying ard e hse. apparently i think e guy's a adriano wannabe. specs, guai look. keke *ps: adriano.. u are e real deal la.haha.. u're better looking* seriously i tot it was quite an easy feat to just walk up, intro urself and get e number rite? but no leh, guess wad happened? yl went up to tell e guy that someone(which is ME) wants to talk to him on e phone!! it was so awkward cos whu would try to get a person's number on e phone?? n somemore i wasn't e one who's interested. bah~ n e funniest part was that he said over e phone:" ok la, i'll settle with her" so i assumed he was INDEED going to give his number to yl. but he actually told her:" i'm sorry, i'm in a rush" n left hurriedly!! oh god. so much for his "i'll settle with her la" *faint* tsk.. guys!! give ur number so difficult meh? haha.
.:sTella:. at 6:18 PM Friday, May 26, 2006
.:sTella:. at 8:20 PM
rainy day. boring day. moody day. to e peeps whu have been asking me whu E person is, i'm so sorry to disappoint you all. ITS A SECRET!! haha. go ask my SA khakis la.. they know.. keke. n i wanna say: i'm not a coward! hmm.. maybe i am, but its just e fear of getting to know e stuff i dun wanna face.( not at e moment at least) bah~ n guess wad? i washed e car today!! aiyo.. with all e paintwork n upgrading ard my area, e dust n crap made e car dirty like nuthing.*rawr* haha. oh yeah.. when i was in e midst of my cash-washing, this 2 guys A and B(whom i assume r frens) drove up to e lots beside me. A got out of his car n chatted to B, whu was taking out all his barang barang to wash his car. n suddenly B walked over to where i was standing n said: "do i seem to know u? i think i saw u somewhere. u went to jonah's birthday party dat day rite?" i was like huh? i know u meh? keke.. i know i sotong la.. laugh for all i care. haha. and A was standing beside us looking all bemused la. grrr. anyway, i was almost done with e car-washing so i politely apologised saying i was busy and left hurriedly. as i expected, jonah called me 10mins later n said i was a baboon. A BABOON! -_- he said his frens recognized me and tot it was NICE to say hi. bah~ wadever. i dun even know them. humpf.
.:sTella:. at 7:26 PM Thursday, May 25, 2006
had sakae with yl in e afternoon.hmm.. probably its just us, but e stuff doesn't seem to be of standard today. they had some new dishes tho. erm, think its called e salmon riceballs. wierd combi of salmon mayo n rice n sesame but it taste fine!! haha. n there's this mashed potato with e sweet beancurd thing that was so er.. unappetising? guess it's e only way to phrase it cos this particular dish irritated me to e core. can u even imagine how many plates of DAT were on e conveyor belt? gosh, i dun even want to count. but i simply adore e shiitake tempura to bits!! yumyum. i guess tml we r gg AGAIN! but this time with bell. goodness. we love e green frog so much huh?! bah~ din really studied today. msm's gonna be fine. but i'm worried for marketing n hrm. whu e hell in e right mind wuld set 2 theory-intense papers on e same day? UOL wuld! darn. wish i culd have 2 brains. gotta mug tonight. gimme more time!! ciaos~
.:sTella:. at 10:07 PM i think i love you i think i love you that how it seems
cos i miss you cos i miss you when you're not around i can't do anything except think of you if i look at how things are i know i'm falling for you i'm falling for you i didn't realise it but now i need you somehow deep in my heart it grew now all i want to do is to take care of you byul i think i
.:sTella:. at 9:05 AM Wednesday, May 24, 2006
i'm tired frm e day's work n i need some rest. tml's a new start again. ciaoz. bless y'all.
.:sTella:. at 11:53 PM ![]() oh yeah.. i'm doing this all over again!! yes pple, rejoice!! i'm back for more bitching. keke. seriously, this year's probably e suckiest i ever had in my whole life. at least till now. u know.. all e skool stuff, relationship stuff.. crap. i wonder how did i even gone thru almost half of the year. darn! so.. thanks to all e pple whu've been there for me. love u all.. esp xuan. u know.. i'm really thankful to know u. *praise e lord* yeah.. n bell n sher n yl. always e jokers ard larz.. so farnie. we're e crackpots! haha. as much as i'm not willing to admit, i'm feeling down. but when u're at e bottom of e pit, nuthing can be worse, u jus gotta climb up e pit n be strong. yeah.. i'm trying. but u know, its hell tough esp when dat someone is stuck inside ur brain for 18 out of the 24hrs u're awake. but i jus can't help it! hell be it then. burn me with it. period. i long for e sea. wash away e boundaries. love
.:sTella:. at 7:48 PM |