Wednesday, November 08, 2006
been conferencing with dre and jonah last night to the wee hours. we like all clamouring to give ideas to dre's 21st. but when it comes to our own, its like "nua".. keke. super lazy to think of the guest list, place, food and blah. and silly me just realised our little close knitted "goon" family could be so extended now man. :p dalalalala.. yawns. dead beat. why mus problems come in hordes and not one at a time? it sucks. bah~ to clwq, we all love u so much, hoping nt to see u hurt. still, it happened. it hurts me as bad when u're sad. but life has to go on, and u definitely must make a wise decision before anything worse happens. heart u dear. remember i'm always here when u need a listening ear. sighs. ![]() =my paternal side family= at jeff's wedding at hilton
.:sTella:. at 9:06 AM |