Saturday, December 30, 2006
dean san is back!! this stupid fella actually got himself a christian name that is similar to his japanese name for "easy purposes". what the hell. used up half of my day figuring out who is this dean who knows japanese. faint. but he's back!!! whee~ haven seen him for the longest period of time. my estimate is abt a yr or so?!?! eh, e best part was, i gotta enlist yiwei's help to translate the jap words cos i haven touched them since... haha, those whu know me well enough shld get my drift. -grins- and tml's new year eve! time pass so fast can.. 2006 has been quite a fruitful year for me even though some bad issues pop up along e way. and e best thing in this year?? -meeting my baby dearest- feeling blessed all e way. uh huh.. new year new wishes. hope all those pple i heart will be happy and healthy always. and everything goes smoothly for everyone, esp baby. :) happy new year pple. -flying kiss-
.:sTella:. at 8:16 PM Friday, December 29, 2006
had 2 steamboats in less than a week!! i recall clarisse saying this "once through the mouth, all on the hips" dammit. i'm dead. keke. haven updated for 4 days. here's e itinerary for the previous 4 days. 26th dec i can't remember what i was doing for the whole day! i'm getting old n senile. tsk tsk. book me a room at the old folk's home please? 27th dec went to xuan's hse in the afternoon. watched shinhwa's state of the art dvd. sheesh, 8 years down the road and these korean hunks are still doing it man! i STILL dun like andy, eric and junjin. i used to like minwoo alot but i developed an adoration for hyesung! he's so pretty!! he freakingly resembles lee jun ki at some angles eh? opinions? after that was dinner with baby. haven gone down to meet him for dinner in a long while. all cos his dajie. -shivers- she's not fierce or what. but she sure is intimidating. had dessert with cheryl while waiting for baby to end work. i went home to change in something more appropriate while he went for his boy's night out. keke. its zouk for me. mr dre n chantell were dressed to impress la.. but i kept telling chantell she shld NOT be at zouk cos her marketing value is over at cube.. wahaha. dre opened 4 jack daniels but we called it quits after 3. there's only 3 of us u know.. ken's super duper late and jonah can't make it. poo. but I"M CERTAINLY NOT DRUNK! *this is for baby.. i'm 90% sure i'm not* wahhaa... then its back to lalaland.. zzzz 28th dec went steamboat with baby, cheryl, long, ah jie, jul n chooli at marina south. ok.. i know i dun eat much, but my dear always make it worthwhile e price. keke. not to worry. :p the guys had 2 games of bowling before heading home. baby's REAL good! eh.. 2nd to paul maybe. keke. any challengers? i'm super tired when i reached home.. snoring my way to Mr. Zhou Gong's hse. -snort- ![]()
.:sTella:. at 1:35 PM Monday, December 25, 2006
xmas's here!! whee~ had quite a fun gathering with e all watches crowd and buddies. went to meet cheryl ard 12+ in town for some last min shopping and after dat was the groceries shopping to feed 14 pple. i actually made 2 trips down to the supermarket cos 1st round's not enough. and e best part? its raining. -scowls- and next up was e cutting up of meat and washing of veggies n stuff. ok, i admit i'm getting old... super tired even with these small tasks. but thankfully, everyone enjoyed it (i hope).. keke. and i really say, THANKS BABY!! i was really pleasantly surprised with the effort he made. he kept telling me to "tidy up his room" cos it was super messy n stuff, and he made emphasis on DA BED. but cuckoo me din realise it was a trick!! haha. but i like the white bag and daisy duck he got for me!! so damn cute! big head and small body.. adorable to bits!!! muacks baby! cuddle cuddle cuddle. ![]() see.. so cute right? look at the contrast: body and head.. wahaha.. *wink*
.:sTella:. at 12:35 PM Friday, December 22, 2006
got wasted last night. i dunno how i went to the extent of downing 3/4 of chivas within an hr. or so i'm told. i simply had no memory of wad i said, wad i did and wad happened last night. i vaguely remember slapping dre just because he absolutely denied my right to call my baby. haha. i'm so sorry dre, dun take it to heart ya? *giggles* but i'm really not upset or anything. its just e pressure building up on me dat's really suffocating. i needed e release of pent up stress i think. shhhhhh.. i'm fine now. thanks pple. -big hugs-
.:sTella:. at 2:39 PM Wednesday, December 20, 2006
ok, to e pple who kept asking, 19th's a very impt day. why? cos it just is. hahahah. been raining e whole of yest, made me a teeny bit moody. i'm fine with rainy weather, just that i dun like wet clothes clinging on to me. e feeling's very slimy. geez. and e worse part is.. my msn's down. even after changing it to live messenger 8.1 beta, it still hang. bloody hell. hate it can?!?! super irritated man. i guess i gotta make do with web messenger until someone saves me frm this mess. tsk tsk. help me!! i get this feeling my com's gonna explode soon frm too much songs, movies, vids and pixs. i so wanna reboot my com. but it means i gotta invest on an external hdd and ard $100 burnt. -scowls- shld i or shld i not.. *flip coin*
.:sTella:. at 10:02 PM Sunday, December 17, 2006
met up with my beloved grace today. went shopping and both of us managed NOT to go home empty handed. haha. everywhere's bustling with shoppers lunging huge bags of either christmas shopping or clothes from sales. whee! haha. and i recently realised, i adore satin! its so nice can! smooth and comfortable. good~ :p bought this top from topshop, grace said it was nice, so quite a haste buy. wahaha afterwhich we had dinner at changing appetites @ marina square. grace had chicken n cheese, me a fish n calamari and we shared the baked monray mussels. eh, shouldn't say i had, i meant we shared practically everything cos the portions were huge! in e end, we still never finish all e food. -_- dessert's at max brenner on grace's treat! keke. typical all chocolate shop, from drinks to waffles to fondue! oh ya, did i mention e fondue's superb! seasonal bread, marshmallows,strawberries and banana. and there's 3 types of dips provided: dark choc, white choc n milk choc. dark's e best, milk's a tad too sweet and white's just mediocre. yikes! but overall, thumbs up!! me and cheryl and shanyu already made a point to go there e next slot when we're free. keke. ![]() far left is the fondue@maxbrenner right is the fish and calamari bottom left is the chicken n cheese with MANGO!!! bottom right is the baked monray mussels with cheese oh ya, met up with baby, cheryl and shanyu at mr bean's after i left grace. baby had a beef lasagna, shan yu a serving of chicken wings, me and cheryl shared a plate of SINFUL brownie. boo~ it simply maxed out the limit for my daily chocolate intake! tsk tsk. i really can't wait for xmas to come! e mood's building up! argh!!! ![]() its been ages since we
cam whore girl! haha. taken at esplanade and maxbrenner
.:sTella:. at 3:26 AM Friday, December 15, 2006
feeling completely random and restless. i miss my baby. i miss my buddies. -_-
.:sTella:. at 10:22 PM Saturday, December 09, 2006
went over to baby's place yest for lunch, mahjong and dvd. my baby's a good cook!! e bolognese spaghetti he cooked super good!!! believe me la.. keke. lost like 23bucks during the mahjong session. tsk tsk. i'm really damn bad at mj. no kidding! so spare me if u guys looking for "kha(s)" k? wahaha. caught the covenant on dvd. thank god we din go for the movie while it was on screen. ridiculous plot, bad com effects and cliche dialogue. but e lead's gorgeous alright? it sort of made up for the disappointment. teehee.. and christmas's ard e corner! i can't wait for it to come!! eh, partly cos i'm craving for marzipan. i know i got sugar tooth la. can't help it. keke. joy to the world!! :p lovelovelovelovelove
.:sTella:. at 12:57 PM Friday, December 08, 2006
tsk. still feeling e bloatedness frm dinner yest. not good at all! keke. slpt quite early i tot, ard 12am. was quite sound asleep i assume (cos baby called and i din even know wth i said to him!! gosh!) but idiotic dre and chantell bombed my hp till i woke ard 130. went to serangoon with them for prata that both of them were craving for. tsk tsk. my beauty sleep! "xXxxxxXXxxxxXXXXx" these 2 weeks gonna be super busy. lots of appts coming up. really hope i can manage my time well. gonna go out in awhile to get some groceries to cook spaghetti. yum yum yum!! *to baby: i finally know what you were planning to do for my birthday present. even tho it wasn't completed in the end, i really really appreciate e thought and the effort put in. its not easy. thanks!!! muacks! -bigfatsloppykiss-*
.:sTella:. at 10:26 AM Thursday, December 07, 2006
waiting for ken and jonah to reach my place to meet up for dinner at chijmes. stoopid dre reached at 1810 when he's e one to say "let's meet ard 7 k". dumb ass! haha. today's e big meetup for mah belated birthday celebration. it's seriously long overdue can.. keke. whee! shall update more when i'm free. -grins-
.:sTella:. at 6:46 PM |