Tuesday, August 29, 2006
pay's in and 3 more days to go!! woohoo!! haha. simply estactic sia. haha. had supper with zac,alson and jul at mos burger. they're so fun la can!! laff until cannot take it. their company was awesome!! BUT i was abit sian cos i can't join them for e ktv sesssion over at orchard party world. THEN came e super nice stuff. A STALKER. of all things man. grrrr.. this guy boarded e train at cityhall and sat right opp me. he kept staring and i meant KEPT. -scowls- nvm that, i assumed he lived near me cos we stopped at the exact same stop and walked the exact same way. until i was at the bus stop then i realised he was following me all e way! so i faked to wait for the bus/cab and sat there la. waiting 15 mins for e damn cab was freaking enough for me la. i was scared, i admit. who wouldn't? bah~ i guess he couldn't wait long enough for me cos he came over after awhile and said "sorry ar, i dun mean to scare u or wad, but i really wan to make frens with u, can? this is my no, feel free to call me. what's urs" and gave me a freaky smile. gosh. he talked so fast that i couldn't even respond a "NO". god bless me and a cab came la. i din even reply him and jumped on to the cab. sounds dramatic? oh yes it is. i swear for almost 21 years of my life i have never been so afraid of a person. and e crux was -iwasn'tevengghomelate- it was only gonna be 1215 or so. bah~ if i knew this was gonna happen, i shlda have gone with zac they all la. regret regret regret. haix. i hope this is e very last time this happens to me cos i predict i'll go hysterical and start chucking things at e stalker if it happens again. i swear i will be violent. very violent. period.
.:sTella:. at 8:37 AM Friday, August 25, 2006
okies!! lotsa hunks are coming to singapore!! korean heart-throb kwon sang woo, wang lee hom and i dunno who are all coming town!! ooh..getting more starstruck next mth!! haha.. hmm, still contemplating whether to go to lee hom's concert. its a FREAKING 100 moo-lah! faint. i was telling xuan i rather spend it on myself than this eye-candy which may make me have diabetes man. keke. hm. lotsa things to be done in the next few weeks. skool's starting on sept 11 which means i have ample time to relax after my work stint ends end of this mth. yeappie!! but meanwhile, i gotta bid on my new modules and stuff after my results get released this week. grrrr... i totally breaking down from nervous(ism). damn worried that i may score badly for my econs again. bah~ hate this module man. =.= oh lord!! bless me!!
.:sTella:. at 8:24 AM Tuesday, August 22, 2006
this is crrraazzzyy!! this spastic person with e msn add "spudlette@hotmail.com" added me on msn and fuck me upside down. wth? i dun even know whu she is la. christine. WTF. spastic ass. talked abt calling her mum and asking me to get off her msn. guess wad idiot? U ARE E ONE THAT ADDED ME!! fcuk fcuk fcuk. what a way to start my day. ASS!!
.:sTella:. at 10:38 AM Monday, August 21, 2006
ok. back for a quick update. gotta tire myself out again tonight!! seriously my dearies, i'm gonna be exhausted very very soon. but hopefully its not on the actual day itself!! tsk. work.dance.work.dance. it'll soon be over. till then, sorry pple, i'm fReakkkiingggg buuuusssyyy!! not enuff time! unless u can change 24hrs to 60hrs. then maybe there's hope. wahahahaha.. :p, see, not enuff sleep=rubbish talk
.:sTella:. at 7:44 PM
yest was insane. dance was horrible cos everyone was shagged. i was simply yawning my ass off. almost 48 hrs no sleep. gimme strength. i will go thru this and be a better person with ultimately, BETTER TIME MANAGEMENT. i gotta prepare myself for another day of frenzy madness. tsk.
.:sTella:. at 7:19 AM Saturday, August 19, 2006
dinner yest was good. food's not fantastic but e company was. me and clarisse were literally talking away without taking note of the time. its good to know that even with our busy schedules and stuff, we still had so much in common to talk abt. hees. clarisse, dun worry, sean will be back soon enuff. meanwhile, u're mine!! haha. gonna meet up with jonah in awhile. we're going for kushinbo!! its like always all talk and no action can!! finally we can make it real. keke. we r e foodies!! yum yum. ciaos!! ![]() = love this girl so much she brings joy to my life= ![]() = picture puurrfect =
.:sTella:. at 7:17 PM Friday, August 18, 2006
finally gone thru the damn tough 2 weeks. haha. seems like an eternity to me. meeting up with clarisse tonight for dinner. oh boy. i suddenly how much i really miss her and all e little talks we had over the past few years. such a dearie close to my heart. muacks! working this past 2 months at seiyu almost everyday meant i got so much closer with pple there. esp zac, serene, janet, daniel etc. they're like super nice pple, brighten up my boring life. lame jokes and concern abt my health and stuff really touched my heart man. i realised i'm not dat alone after all! i thank Lord for these pple and i'll treasure them. sounds emotional? yeah. abit. cos i jus received a call from japan. miyako met with an accident when she went over to belgium for an exchange. how fragile is life? u really can't control wads gonna happen. we really shld treasure every single person who appears in ur life. good or bad, there's always a lesson to be learnt and an obstacle to be crossed. Amen. miyako, u'll always be in our hearts. Bless.
.:sTella:. at 2:13 PM Tuesday, August 15, 2006
went to see e doc jus now. grrr. bad. i'm officially sick! throat infection and damn bad cough. really hope i'll get well soon. there's so many parties this 2 weeks!! -scowl- man, it just really sucks. and while reading thru e papers yest, i chanced upon the ad for The New Paper Sunday Edition. it was shocking to actually see ken's fren, amanda on it with e captions " beauty queen involved in a cyber scam". i was like huh? so i quickly went to buy e papers and scanned thru just 2 pages of e entire paper. -haha, suprised i'll read TNP? well, its e 1st!! haha. tadah!- actually nothing much lor, just the typical i-show-you-my-photo then you-give-me-your-money scenario. but e exciting part is that e main lead is not amanda, its her fren using her blog pix. wth? faint.. what have the world become? nothing much more than a cyber pawn engaged in a highly digitised world. so where is the close knitted relationships between human and human? it is often undermined by "uncontrollable and unexpected" factors. its a fact. face it.
.:sTella:. at 3:03 AM Saturday, August 12, 2006
i recently discovered one thing. i haven had enuff sleep for a long long time. yest i actually went to bed at 9+ and woke up this morning at 7. ain't i a pig? haha. schedule's been quite cocked-up lately, meaning i just gotta be prepared for more full shifts. grrr.. and i missed yesterday's fireworks! it took so much for my determination NOT to lug myself all e way to esplanade with e crowd to meet xuan. tsk tsk. and pple, i'm sick from all e work i've been doing. sore throat and cough and a little fever. wth.. i absolutely detest e light-headed feeling i'm feeling now. i gotta get well soon. bah~
.:sTella:. at 7:23 AM Friday, August 11, 2006
oh yeah. full damn shift today. missed my dinner with lucas and co. feeling extremely bad now. wtf. i'll make it up. i promise. tml i'll be gg for more fireworks!! can't get enuff of it man. tsk. i'm bored. very bored. finding entertainment now. crappie. i needa enrich my life soon. enuff of work! i had enuff!! except e fact that i managed to make some really cool friends at work. puurrrfect! i like it! more pretty pix tml!! :)
.:sTella:. at 12:25 AM Wednesday, August 09, 2006
happy 41st birthday singapore!! its e 9th august again! went for dinner at citylink dining @ sakae with xuan and yiwei yest. it wasn't up to expectation la.. seriously. disappointed with e dessert and all. tsk. after which we slacked ard till it was abt time to go to the bridge cos WE'RE GONNA WATCH E FIREWORKS!! haha. oh yeah, its e very 1st time i'm joining in e fun cos i absolutely detest e crowd. esp with ah bengs and wannabes shouting "move lei.. pple jam behind leh.. aiyo.. dunno how to zhi dong one.." tsk. these pple ar, are e most "toot" kind la.. wanna get into e crowd but still talk crap. wth? e bridge was amazingly crowded, it was literally jam-packed!! butt to butt, arm to arm. so i assumed i got home with a lot of mingled smells. keke. but i assure u e fireworks are absolutely stunning! and it simply got me, xuan and yiwei craving for more!! YES!! MORE FIREWORKS!! oh, and i must say this, thanks yiwei for e cha dong!! its sooo nice!! yum yum! i love it! yeap, i miss my bed. haven really had a good night sleep since i dunno when. simply too many activities going on. love y'all!! nites!! :p ![]() = look at that pretty firework! our fave! = ![]() = can't get enuff of ourselves and e huge crowd behind us!! :) =
.:sTella:. at 11:48 PM Saturday, August 05, 2006
Stella, your eyes say you're sincerely sweet
kind and genuine, you are the sort of girl who's always looking out for others and being a great friend. You have a big heart and can't help but open it up with people you're close with. When you're that pretty on e inside, you can't help but be beautiful on the outside too. oh. e above's e personality test i just did. wierd huh? i'm a person with e above personality? hmm.. i din know. haha. anyways, today's e big day for andy and shinya. buds, good luck! reagrdless who win in e end, u know u guys rock big time! i guess e voting tonight gotta burn a BIG hole in my pocket.. argh! ciaos. gotta go finish my stuff before i starting screaming : LUCIFY!! JIA YOU!!! SOUL!!! U"RE E BEST!! bah~ tata!! will update soon!
.:sTella:. at 7:08 PM Friday, August 04, 2006
today was super busy!! last min customers meant extra nerves and trembling hands. but it oso meant extra sales.. haha. yeah, everyone's back! yiwei's back with my cha dong from dunno wad shop he bought from. -i still dun remember i told u to get frm dat particular shop..haha- and he din managed to get 'goong' for a very disappointed xuan. teehee. and clar's back from pensacola!! dun be sad k? sean will be back soon i think.. :) and my coachie!! whee~~ happiness. muacks! now off to bed. tml gotta wake up early.. ciaos!
.:sTella:. at 12:05 AM Tuesday, August 01, 2006
met xuan today after i went to do my insurance and passport stuff. argh. queues queues queues. singaporeans!! went to walk ard and managed to get some stuff at least. not a wasted trip!! haha. got this damn nice dress from 'tangerine tofu'. wierd name for a shop but its absoultely endearing!! but seriously, its tucked right ard e corner of bugis street. hard to find can!?!? i can wear this dress to my cuzzie's wedding!! yeah!! now back to sickening schedule. work work work. grrr.. esp when xuan said its gonna a mth later if we wanna meet. i'm not DAT busy ok. i'm jus.. eh.. abit overwhelmed with work. haha. :p
.:sTella:. at 9:36 AM |