Wednesday, January 31, 2007
went drinking with dre, jonah and a couple of their friends yest. din really have alot to drink but i think it was bad enough. enough to gain me several scoldings and none of which is particularly nice to the ears. i shouldn't really develop the bad habit of gg drinking once there's unhappiness. cos each time it happens, the problem gets worse. n not to mention the hangover next day. omg. that sucks. and i must really apologise to all these pple who were major worried for me. baby, dre, i'm sorry to make u guys worried with all my rants and nonsense behaviors. really really dun mean it. sry. forgive me ya? :)
.:sTella:. at 9:32 AM Monday, January 29, 2007
mini disagreements erupted in between these 2 weeks. sorry to the people i've been yelling or grumbling at. i came to this conclusion. guys n girls have TOTALLY different mentalities and concepts. what may be distracting to girls r norms for guys. so.. well done! hahaha. bt i believe love and affection can transcend all obstacles n barriers. so, work harder then. push on. and i'm perfectly ok now, i will not dwell on the past.*i hope* keke. so not to worry guys. no prooobllleemmss!! :p
.:sTella:. at 11:11 PM Friday, January 26, 2007
had a hard day yest. upset about some stuff. all long i was tot i was strong enough to withstand any setbacks. but i wasn't. *dre, thanks for listening to my shit yest. i appreciate that. real buddy!!!*
.:sTella:. at 9:46 AM Tuesday, January 23, 2007
got screwed once again by everyone. ok, i got hooked on to gunbound AGAIN. grrr. no good. and its particularly funny when little boys try to hook up to me on gb. virtual gf? er, no thanks. i'm happily attached. wahaha. can u imagine 13/15 yr old boys typing i love you while gaming? gosh. i wonder. i MUST try to curb my addiction. i shall delete e setup soon. to study to study to study. i must!! and ^_^ will tell me once again:"it's all about self control" -scowls-
.:sTella:. at 11:09 PM Friday, January 19, 2007
HAPPY 3 MONTHS BABY!!!! hahaha. yeah, its been that long and i hope it stays this way. laff. :p we caught 2 movies and had dinner at miss clarity cafe. Pan's Labyrinth was quite cool considering the fact that it was in spanish and i had such a hard time trying to see e subtitles and watch e movie at the same time. talk abt multi-tasking. tsk tsk. Apocalypto was good also. except it was super gory and i was closing my eyes half e time due to the violence. i din really think mel gibson would direct much lesser write this movie cos its so not his genre. but the actual action is to be applauded cos i think those actors in e movie are REALLY part of aborigines or similar tribes. cos they have enlarged earholes, darkened tattoos and elaborate scars!!! but its refreshing as a movie tho. hmm.. really had such a fun day today. surprise surprise again by baby dear. he is so sneaky la. hahaha.. but i like it. teehee. i love baby!!! cheers! ![]() Mr Zac Yu. my fave boy.
.:sTella:. at 11:15 PM Thursday, January 18, 2007
just reached home not long ago. rainy weather again!! crap. Mr Dean had to fetch me right at the doorstep cos i was complaining about having to splash through puddles to the taxi stand. haha. ok, i appreciate it ya?? keke. went to shiro restaurant at greenwood ave. i had kurama ebi garriyuki which was finger licking!! sashimi moriwase and chawamushi was superb too!! but e dessert was worth many many thumbs up! ok, i suck for desserts. but this was damn good! ayuki jelly! gosh. i can faint. all in all, its worth e hefty pricing. yummy! but sadly, its e one and only time i'll see dean while he's back in sg. he's flying back on sat. guess it'll be another 2 yrs before he visits again.. BUT i can't wait for tml tho.. important day. -grins- i simply love the number 19. i wonder why.
.:sTella:. at 8:09 PM
i thought everyone could easily forgive and forget. apparently not. especially when it involves someone who takes it to heart personally. and e worse is when you're in e centre of explosion. hell.
.:sTella:. at 12:12 AM Tuesday, January 16, 2007
ok, just when money's at a all-time low, my phone's spoilt. hrmm, not so much for the basic functions, but e camera's spoilt!! even how crappy the resolution of the pictures turn out, it still serves e purpose. tsk tsk. and i'm extremely pissed today. its not i'm petty. but i really cannot take it when people are spreading nonsense rumors behind my back. if its still in the medieval times, i swear i'll punish the person by physical torture. since when did i comment something she said i did? ok, unless i'm senile, I WOULD REMEMBER EVERY SINGLE WORD I SAID TO THIS PERSON. what the f***? sorry for the vulgarity, but i'm really pissed!! to think i've known her for awhile and i THOUGHT maybe some lies she told to others sometime ago will not occur again. but i guess i'm seriously wrong. GRRRR. i can't really speak on it and i can't vent my anger. -scowls- what the heck did i do wrong to deserve going through something like this? f*** f*** f*** guess it shows how extremely pissed i am. f***!!!
.:sTella:. at 7:11 PM Sunday, January 14, 2007
![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY XUAN!!! my galfren's turning 22!! keke. oops. there u go. :p had lunch with yiwei n xuan at pizza walker yest aft. it was good! ok, i had doubts abt the parma ham with rock melon. but it turned out fine!! keke. then walked ard abit before deciding to rest our tired legs at vi'lage. its my 1st time patronising e place after marche closed down at the heerens. shared a caramel banana waffle. still as good and yummy!! *slurps* tried to take a perfect shot of us after that. changed seats, improved flash and after a million shots, we had it!! hahaha.. super hilarious. at night was late night supper with baby and long. its a pity the gathering's not as perfect as we could have. but... nvm, there's always e next time. a side note: anger is not always the best way to solve a problem. plenty of times, it's just exactly e opposite. keep calm n everything will be alright.
.:sTella:. at 2:51 PM Friday, January 12, 2007
i don't know why, but for the past few days, my temper always rises extremely quick and i'm always snappy. I MUST CONTROL MY TEMPER!! i guess e stress is starting to build up. everyone including Mr Slacker Parry told me prelims coming.. exams coming.. blah blah blah. -scowls- I AM STUDYING pple!! so get off my back! oops, sounds too harsh? i dun give a damn. do precisely it!! i need a really good time planner, 24/7 just doesn't seem to do me justice with all the crap i gotta handle at the moment. *another 6 days to baby's off day. we haven been hanging out lately. he's preoccupied with work and stuff. haix. i just wanna see him abit more.. just a bit more* and the weather doesn't seem to help at all. got drenched twice in a day meant disaster. the rain is so sudden like the water is just being emptied out the bucket. happened both times while i was walking on some pedestrian walkway. irritated like nothing. okie.. tml's gonna be so much better. i hope.
.:sTella:. at 10:29 PM Thursday, January 11, 2007
rainy weather matches my stormy mood. i'm depressed. can't just someone tell me what i should do, how i should behave and what i should say? i didn't realise i failed miserably all this while. i'm trying my darnest to change, but somehow, it just fades with him. been awhile since i'm in this state. sleepless nights once again. amen.
.:sTella:. at 11:08 PM
i foresee plenty of clubbing and boozing this coming week. my postponed promised outings are long over-dued and e debtors are chasing after mah arse. god help me! i miss my baby so much! life's a bore without him. tsk..
.:sTella:. at 12:44 PM Tuesday, January 09, 2007
through him, i realised love's all about giving and not so much about asking for returns. many asked : wads about him that attracts you? i can't give an answer. he's just special. maybe not to others. but it is to me. i love my baby. very very much. My romance doesn't have to have a moon in the sky My romance doesn't need a blue lagoon standing by No month of May No twinkling stars No hideaway No soft guitars... My romance doesn't need a thing but you
.:sTella:. at 4:48 PM Sunday, January 07, 2007
last night was St James Powerstation for baby, long, cheryl, shanyu n me. reached quite late, ard 10+. 1st stop's Dragonfly. all e times i've been to St James, i've never step foot inside that place. ok, i admit cos i'm quite bias towards sylvester sim. eekkss!! it was jam packed la. saw quite a few familiar faces over there. several who i tried to shun. tsk tsk. suay la. -_- we then decided to move over to The Boiler Room. my type of music, my type of crowd. i luuurrve it! boogey boogey!!! we moved our asses yet again to Powerhouse. R&B and house music. superbly good! but i really wun suggest going on saturdays. e place's packed like there's free entry. damn! overall, the place's cool. n i saw places to chill!! i think its Movida and the Lobby. must check it out soon!! but e best part ---baby's with me. adore it to bits! whee~
.:sTella:. at 1:30 PM Saturday, January 06, 2007
its human to regret some decisions or choices that one makes. i did regret. there was an option for me, a crossroad to decide. i made a choice, and i regretted. its seldom i do so. but i really do think this way : what if i did this... maybe the result will be something different. i should have given him a surprise, i should have gone. but its all too late. he kept saying it's ok, but i felt upset. cos i left him all by himself, alone. its like worms gnawing at something in me. i'm not seriously emotional. its just... i guessed i disappointed him. i'm sorry.
.:sTella:. at 4:04 AM Monday, January 01, 2007
ikan billis. big fish. fish tank. vegetables. interesting conversation. absolutely adorable.
.:sTella:. at 11:33 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! brand new start, brand new resolutions. met up with yiwei and xuan in e evening for dinner. its so impt to me cos they r e ones who been with me thru 2006 and definitely well into 2007. after that was the mini celebration with baby, long, cheryl, ah jie n ah yi. these pple r oh-so-cute u know. its astonishing how easy to gain a strong rapport even only knowing each other for awhile. :p had so much fun yest. but i wanna apologise to those cos i really dun see a point meeting various groupies for several hrs just to say "happy new year" right? we'll make up for loss of time k? to me, however, for the last day of 2006, i really wanted to spend it with my baby. it's really not so much about where we r going. but the fact that i wanna spend the last few hrs of the year with him. so, i'm really sorry pple. SORRY!! forgive me. my fault!! but its the new year!!! whee~ so forgive n forget la. wahaha. ciaos
.:sTella:. at 2:38 PM |