Friday, July 28, 2006
![]() = soho suede large hobo = alrites. i have my heart set on these 2 gorgeous. absolutely adore them!! so lovely ain't they? gagagaga.. anyone wanna sponsor me? wahhaha.. off today and tml. gonna chill and slack before all e pple com back next week. clarisse frm US, yiwei from taiwan (i assume u gotta be back for skool?? haha) and yeah!! all e junkies gonna be back as well!! my stuff.. keke. well well.. back to more browsing for my bag collection. haha. ciaos
.:sTella:. at 10:15 PM Wednesday, July 26, 2006
recently i'm been sussing out butts. yeah, butts as in ass. men's n women's. tsk. dunno wads wrong with me. but i developed e wierd habit of assessing asses and commenting on them. haha. i dun even have any vague idea when i started this and gradually all my khakis at work became like me. haha. bad. :p hmm.. so i can safely assume i'm more a ass person than bod person now.. haha. fantastic. more pple have ass than bod. so i've more options. -wahaha- and i'm so into coach now! d***. i dunch know why man. but this brand gives me more kick than lv, gucci, blah blah blah. i'm gonna bomb my own pocket when pay comes in. bah~
.:sTella:. at 4:56 AM Tuesday, July 25, 2006
nothing better to do? this mystery person called me 4 times at 532am. using a private no. so how am i gonna know who's this ass!?!?! dammit. and the best part is i only got to bed at 3 la. best. now i feel like a zombie. big time. u suck! i'm in a bad mood now. grrrr *rawr*
.:sTella:. at 5:37 AM Monday, July 24, 2006
faint. so damn exhausted today. simply in a daze. stoned. slept ard 2+ yest and drifted in and out of sleep consistently cos i'm so worried i'll be late for morning shift today. haix. and i realised my busy schedule=more moolah!! haha. saving up for rainy tomorrows.. haha. as if. 3 more days. just 3 more days to e end of promotion. yeah!!! and pay's comng in as well!! hooray! i'm a rich girl once again! dalalala.. i'm gonna sleep now. really talking crap now. shagged, if u get my meaning. bah~ nites all.
.:sTella:. at 9:17 PM Sunday, July 23, 2006
my oh my. how teeny weeny singapore is man.. haha. to think i'll bump into bell's fren elena whilst working in seiyu. haha. small world eh? u bet! haha. she's a damn sweet gurl la. i like her. and esp her curls today is sooo pretty!! keke. we went for dinner together at qi ji.. e food's quite nice can.. nasi lemak n stuff. i simply love e pple i get to meet thruout my course of work. tho work sucks. wierd theology yeah? but dats just me. wahaha. :p
.:sTella:. at 11:58 PM Saturday, July 22, 2006 seems that people become more fragile when it comes to relationships. i wonder why. hmmm.. esp today when yl cried at e very mention of her bf gg back to aussie for studies. dear, u shld prep urself for this day e very moment he touched down in sg 3 weeks ago. if he doesn't return to aussie, how is he gonna come back permanently asap? haix.. maybe its just me, but i think god will really plan ur destiny. acceptance or not is another matter altogether. bless all e sad souls. gonna rest for e day. ciaos.
.:sTella:. at 11:47 PM Wednesday, July 19, 2006
ooo.. met up with bell for dinner at delifrance. hmm.. caesar salad was ok, coffee bean's better. fish with cheese and spinach breadsticks is addictive and their bread pudding with vanilla ice-cream & vanilla sauce's fantabulous!! yum yum. all work no play makes me grouchy, esp when there're hypocrites hanging ard beside me. grrr.. i gotta be on my toes constantly. dat's so tiring la. i'm gonna take a break soon. away from these pple, or else i'll become like them sooner or later. =.=
.:sTella:. at 4:25 AM Tuesday, July 18, 2006
grrr... yest was sucky. damn sucky. i almost broke down during work. din even think things could turn so sour even btw acquaintances. bah~ i hate it. i gotta admit its e bad 1st impression that cause e trouble. but still.. all e stuff is due to his petty behavior. *rawr* i'm so gonna enjoy myself today. so much things i wanna do before i strive hard for my promotion starts on fri.
.:sTella:. at 9:49 AM Sunday, July 16, 2006
she's freaking hot.. koda kumi. guys should love her man. haha. i do.
.:sTella:. at 9:26 AM Friday, July 14, 2006
oh dear. i'm so dead. i mean SO DEAD. i just realised that i've been thinking abt X a lot. so much that its been weighing on my mind even when i'm working. when i'm stoning, i'll think abt how he is, whether or not he's having a hard time, blah blah blah. ain't i an idiot? oh great. boo. =.= i really wad to do!! :( and daniel got caught today for smoking malaysian cigarettes. there's these 5 plain-clothes cops loitering outside and he din even noticed them. they are DAT plain that u wun even notice them the 2nd time round. haha. he got fined la. 100 bucks. quite little u know. haha. and he was so ya-ya that he got away quite lightly. keke. so pple, support sg ciggies la. sg ones only 9mg of tar, msia one 20mg!! tsk tsk. not good.
.:sTella:. at 8:13 PM Thursday, July 13, 2006
i dig jonathan leong!! goodness, he's such a hottie! =swoons= his performance yest was like 'wow'!! lady killer man. and i'm quite sure its his poster boy good looks and x-factor. tsk. i dig long-maned guys!! keke ![]()
.:sTella:. at 5:03 AM Wednesday, July 12, 2006
boo.its high time i change a job. i'm sick and tired of being a nice person trying to accomodate to most requests and pleas. not that it helps being kind. these pple are so gonna get retribution. i'm pissed. yes i am. i need a new job. anyone intro? boo. and i'm like damn blur these few days. forgot yiwei went back and sms-ed him. forgot bell went to batam and called her. wth. everything sucks. argh!!
.:sTella:. at 8:26 PM Monday, July 10, 2006
i'm soooo sleepy!! yeah, i'll be zzz-ing soon. wonder why? haha. i've been awake for more than 48hrs!! worked aft shift yest and reached home ard 12am. afterwhich i nua-ed ard the house and waited for the finals of the world cup. Italy WON!! but i suspect if zidane stayed thruout e match, france wuld have won instead. bah~ i like both teams. so what. haha. yeah, so i stayed awake cos i'm afraid i would not be able to wake up in time for my morn shift today. =.= shag la. now to my lala-wonderland. ciaos.
.:sTella:. at 8:44 PM Sunday, July 09, 2006
grrr.. i hate e sister. or sisters. bah~ it's damn irritating. lunch with xuan at nydc. supremely good and sinful indulgence. haha. irish cream mudpie. yum yum. xuan had three amigos and we shared e fresh garden salad. heavenly. after which we went mediacorp for superband semi finals 1. and something happened there that irritated me to no end. i will not mention it. i've been harping on it since last night. it SUCKS!! after that we went back to town n had dinner. dolsot bimbibab. aiseh.. my all time fave!! keke. yiwei came to meet us after his outing with the councillors. went to starbucks and CHILL. haha. e banana range of drinks is not bad at all!! but still a tad to sweet for my taste. haha. i'm damn high. dunno why.
.:sTella:. at 2:08 AM Friday, July 07, 2006
![]() morning shift today means i din managed to send jonah off to bmtc. -sob- damn sad la. oh.. and kendrick. but then, it'll be farnie if i did. his parents will be there. bah~ but to jonah, my dear brother and confidant, it sucks not being able to be there for u. its tough esp after e long talk we had yest night. i appreciate the little time we have. it will not happen e 2nd time. i promise. i seriously need to spend time with my friends. been neglecting them. retail therapy!! meet xuan after my dental appt tml. x-ray to determine whether to extract e bloody "wisdom". gimme strength!
.:sTella:. at 9:54 PM Wednesday, July 05, 2006
ouch! my wisdom tooth's growing and it hurts like shit! i'm seriously in such pain that it affected my moods these few days. grouchy, snipy and cynical. =.= painful!! i'm comtemplating to pluck e stoopid tooth off but some of my friends who did e procedure said e aftermath is even more excruciating than the discomfort of the growing part. bloody. even painkillers will not work after the anaesthetic wears off! how sucky is dat? god. i can't bear the thought of it man. so i gotta tahan e pain now man. urgh.
.:sTella:. at 9:34 AM Saturday, July 01, 2006
courage. we all need courage. lester just told me today he had a friend taking psychology and e exam topic's on courage. apparently, this guy went clubbing e night before n din prepare for e paper. guess wad he did? he wrote: " this is courage" and left e exam hall. and he freaking got an A for e paper! how cool is that. hmm.. food for thought. courage.
.:sTella:. at 11:25 PM
yesterday's da day. haha. apparently, i'm cuckoo and blind la. dun even know so many pple are workign in town, or should i say, paragon. and its been quite a while since they all started work--in e same damn building. its wierd to bump into these familar faces that u see ard in skool la.. haha. its like jieyong is working in CK, jason is working in AX, chiahow is working for ELC, hansel's woking in Kenzo.. wads e big attraction to join club21 man.. keke. nvm. this only serves to be more beneficial if i wanna get club21's stuff.. haha. ooh.. and melvin's all ard town, keep seeing him ard. -pout- enough's enough!! haha :p ps: oh ya, my july schedule sucks. to e core. i cannot imagine how i'm gonna go thru this. bless me.
.:sTella:. at 8:53 AM |