Monday, October 30, 2006
there's been more ups and downs throughout this week than it has been in 21 years of my life. thank god that my baby's ard me when it happened.(thanks baby) so things hasn't been dat bad for me. i hadn't been so determined to do something. this is e very first. and for those who have been asking wad happened, oh yes, i moved out. to those who were showering me with concern and love, thanks so much. i'm sorry for keeping mum abt it cos i really wanted to keep e damage to the barest minimum and it can only be achieved when least pple knows. for now, life has to move on. i'm feeling damn blessed with all the pple ard me. so i will be strong. *love my baby to bits*
.:sTella:. at 9:07 PM Sunday, October 22, 2006
woke up feeling slightly better but quite wrong-footed. 1stly, i dunno how i ended up sleeping in my sis's room. i dun even recall gg to her room in e 1st place. 2ndly, i had 21 missed calls by a private no. its like huh? someone wanna tell me that e world's probably ending like in 15mins time? bah~ this reminds me, i think its e same person who called me e previous time. -_- my baby's tired from e lack of sleep n i can't do anything to help. do take care my dear. can't wait to see u next week. -grins-
.:sTella:. at 11:11 AM Saturday, October 21, 2006
i'm officially sick. poo. bad flu n sorethroat since yest night. -scowls- went ter e doc tis morning with jonah. he dead insisted he should bring his little sister(that's me) to e doc. haha. i'm glad that our relationship is restored back to normal. yeah!! this couldn't much better. and dat big weight that has been piling on me is gone. whee~ this week's great. so good i can't believe everything is real. seems like a dream to me. *zap* :p ps: to (0"0)- thanks for bringing so much joy into my life. love euu. muacks to xuan- oh wells, i am cuckoo la.. i tot i was discreet enough. apparently not. u satisfied with my xplanation?? wahahha.
.:sTella:. at 3:46 PM Friday, October 20, 2006
yesterday was so fun. i haven had dat in a long long time. met bell n yl after their skool at jp. went to do nails again. haha. i seriously think its gonna become a once-a-week excursion to the nail salon if we dun control man. afterwhich we slacked at crystal jade for quite sometime. u wun believe how crazy we were. vinegar in iced-water. n bell even teared cos she was laffing too hard. i guess we all need a psychatrist someday. tsk tsk. then i went down to chinatown to meet up with zac n his long ge. goody gracious heavens. i haven been there for e longest period of time. missed e supremely good dessert stall in e old market. too bad its down now. -sob- we had our dinner at maxwell market. the carbonara was unexpectedly good considering e fact that its a hawker stall!! -thumbs up- yum... din managed to catch e movie in e end but i'm not dat disappointed la. a show is still a show. wads more its only adjourned. keke. hmm. so we went to flo bar near babyface. its cool to bits man. argh.. e velvet seats n e atmosphere. and e seats are red!!! i would pay a million bucks jus to lay my hands on it la. damn. deep inside, i hope for time to come to a standstill. hoped that everything would remain as it is now. but i'm thankful and contented. really.
.:sTella:. at 8:12 AM Thursday, October 19, 2006
been up for almost an hour. tried to sleep in but i can't. it seems that i must absolutely be awake when e sun comes up. hahaha. bad. was talking to yl abt sher n clubbing then we realised we no longer feel e adrenaline pumping when we club. maybe cos we already reached legal age. n e crowd's now more filled with teeny-boppers n e working class. sheesh. so now, its more of chilling lounges n bars for e mid-lifers like me. wahaha. more tranquil la.. :p i guess i'm gonna catch "death note" later. anticipating it since i dunno when. my fav manga! hope its as good as it looks. whee~ to sher, we really miss euu!! AND dun club so much anymore la. e booze and e high is straining on u. it upsets me to see dat. boohoo.. we love u. :)
.:sTella:. at 8:35 AM
okies. wondering why i'm still awake at this kinda time? i oso dunno. bloody shag. but then... haix. anyway, today morn was totally random. went ter skool n guess wad? lect's cancelled. e lecturer was like.. i'm so sorry but i lost my voice and i can't see myself teaching using writing. bah~ f*** made us go ALL e way to school, u get my pt? tsk. n i think its really e 1st time shihui, lynette, al and me were dead punctual for e lect. haix. so we went KAP mac n sat there for almost 2.5hrs, tolerating some stoopid ngee ann kids blabbering as tho they're haggling in e market. screwed. afterwhich we were sooo bored n shopped at cold storage. yeah, its COLD STORAGE. wahaha. we were literally snapping pics everywhere. n i mean EVERYWHERE. :p and realisation sunk in that its gonna be hallowean soon!!! dalalala. i just love e pumpkins n e barang barang. ps: photos later.. i need ter redo e resolution. its humongous!! teehee after dat i went (0"0)'s hse. hahaha. guess i shlda keep his identity private cos its not very nice flaunting it ard. :) he cooked!!! its was really not bad at all! i'm impressed. even tho he said its nt up to standard. tsk tsk.. -set ur standards so high- uh huh. watched some shows on tv, lame ones, but it was funny, erm, even entertaining. its been quite awhile since i do that. watch tv shows. wierd eh? but its e fact. -bleah- and i mus really confess, i enjoyed every single bit of yesterday(apart frm e morn). its was sooo good. even tho there's minor hiccups. I LOVE IT. believe me. -grins-
.:sTella:. at 4:11 AM Tuesday, October 17, 2006
tsk tsk. much of today's time is spent on travelling. from bugis to nus to polyclinic to nuh to aunt's office. whee~ shag sia. who ask yl to have this wierd syndrome of losing temp sight in one eye. tsk tsk. blind mouse. bah~ prata in e morn was good. food's ok, but e company is. -grins- this is particularly for the eyes of (0"0). wahaha. :p it really was. oh ya, was talking to mel jus abt now when he commented on ziqiang not celebrating his 21st. tsk.. imagine all e barang barang u gotta deal with n not to mention e guest list u gotta think abt. i guess i'll save up my depleting brain cells n just have dinner with my groupies. -grins- and dat is not for like prob another mth or so. :o)
.:sTella:. at 5:09 PM Monday, October 16, 2006
i finally did it. it took all my courage to do it. i just hope everything's fine n i won't live to regret my choice. almost everyone's saying i'm reckless. oh well, i guess i am. but e damage's already done. i really really dun wanna to be stuck in e mud anymore. its drowning me. and to jonah(i hope u're reading this) , it all comes as a shock to me. i dun know how to give u a perfect answer cos u know i can't. i already dun have e right to do so right now. even tho this may come abit late, but i do appreciate u being dere for me. really. i just hope u can understand my difficulties this time round.
.:sTella:. at 8:44 PM Friday, October 13, 2006
i wonder. haven i made things quite very obvious to him that i like him? must i put it across in black and white that "I LIKE YOU" before he gets it? its astonishing to actually discover e change in myself even without my own knowledge. in e past, all i would do is to be independent n not rely on anyone. its nt abt being practical n stuff. but i felt more inclined to living for myself n friends. i would not hesitate to spend more time with them than my guy. but wad have i evolved into now? i became someone i never knew i was. now, its all him him him. i can't get through my day without thinking of him. he's e 1st on my mind when i wake n e last i would think of when i sleep. i can't seem to function properly at all. obssessed? maybe i am. so now u guys shld get my pt when i say its DAMN bad la. hahaha. pple kept telling me i MUST pluck up e courage to do something.. ANYTHING. but i just can't seem to do that. u know, its so easy just to tell others wad they shld do--mus stick up to ur principles and whatsoever. but when it comes to ur own, u fail terribly. and e worse part? u snigger back at ur frens for telling u e truth. e blunt truth. tsk tsk. talk abt karma. bah~ maybe i should really prop up my pillow n think hard tonight. what shld i do? what options would i have? will it be wad i wished it to be? maybe i need some spiritual help. hmmm.. ps: jonah, u shld knw my answer. but thanks anyway for all those late-night talks. u'll always be my dearest brudder. -grins-
.:sTella:. at 11:03 PM
yesterday was totally random n boring. couldn't have survived if i stayed at home. so wenta meet bell's hse to slack for abit 1st and met up with yl after dat at jp for lunch. oh ya, i went for a trim at e salon! haha, cash is so farnie la, brightens up my day man. he's like doing more n more outdoors stuff now that he's e creative director. mediacorp shows, fashion shows, blah blah blah. but he's still e same cash i knew esp e buckle on his belt. wahaha. got to know tis stylist called tom recently oso. he's so shy la!!!! yest yl's mum, who's my aunt, wanted to cut hair too. so yl asked him : later u free? he turned tomato red can!! so cute!! haha. we were simply gawffing larz. :p spent abt 3 hrs dere even tho it only took ard half an hr for my trim. bah~ and i met up with yiwei for dinner at e siam kitchen. haha. kept on having good food la. tsk. its seriously having a toll on my already slim pocket. not good. :p
.:sTella:. at 8:26 AM Thursday, October 12, 2006
i finally found wad i was looking for all this while. i hope, at least. haha. its been quite awhile since e flutter in e tummy and e heat in e face happened to me. -grins- dalalala.. so pple, dun tell me wad i shld do. cos wad i shld do, i always never do.. vice versa. AND, i'm so happy. so so happy. ecstatic in fact. WHEE~
.:sTella:. at 8:08 PM Wednesday, October 11, 2006
i'm totally fine. just a bit of giddy spells and big-headed sensations dats all. dun worry pple. i'll get better. :) till e results, i'll take care of myself. -grins- thanks peeps!
.:sTella:. at 7:16 PM Monday, October 09, 2006
sometimes, it amazes me at how fast a person can change. from good friends, it just detoriates within a couple of days. its like X can just talk bad abt Y behind his back, passing comments like " he's just got e looks, zero character and sucha big flirt". its like hellooo? how good r u to even speak of him like dat? Y is so much better than u can?!?! so jus shut ur blabbering and go to one corner. poo. X, u're never gonna achieve ur aim of sowing discord btw me n Y. so just give it up. u can jolly well continue pissing me off with ur nonsense and i swear i'll take revenge for Y. watch out, ass!!
.:sTella:. at 10:05 PM Sunday, October 08, 2006
i wonder why everyone must get married at abt the same time. it means i gotta tolerate some conversations with aunties which go something like this... aunt: ah girl ar, how old r u le ar? me: 21 le lor.. aunt: aiyo, 21 le ar, time pass so fast hor, never bring ur boyfriend along? me: eh, dun have la.. hahaha aunt: har? now still dun have? mus go find one asap ar.. or else next time cannot get married leh.. i was like heh? wth.. is there such a big hurry hurry to go look for someone to marry and go thru e stardard ritual of 'i'm willing' before everyone shuts their mouth abt u? dats crap. i hate it. but on a happier note, another one of my paternal cousin got married yest at hilton hotel. His bride is so pretty!!! congrats to jeff n carina! dat makes 2 weddings in 2 weeks. keke.. i'm getting fatter. tsk, no good, no good.
.:sTella:. at 12:32 PM Saturday, October 07, 2006
it feels like i left my heart n soul somewhere with someone.
distracted and affected.
.:sTella:. at 12:11 AM Monday, October 02, 2006
went to muji and got this monthly schedule for myself. haha, oops grace, i just copied dat frm eu!! keke. gotta be more organised man. argh! this is one major failing i have that i simply cannot change. bah~ must stardie harder arhhhhh!! wahaha.. i realised skool's really slack and self-motivation is sooo impt! otherwise we wuld be just nua-ing our asses out man. poo. jiayou jiayou jiayou!! ![]()
.:sTella:. at 5:07 PM |